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Pioneering LEO Satellite Data Network

Nebula Data is a revolutionary constellation of satellites designed to serve as data exchange points for space-to-space data relay. In a future where inter-satellite and, maybe, interplanetary, communication will be more and more important, Nebula Data is going to be vital in the whole Space Ecosystem. We’ve had the honor to talk with Barry Leeson, the Company Owner. Enjoy this super-interesting read!

Can you provide an overview of AS23.Space's mission and how NebulaData fits into your vision for revolutionizing the space economy? 

AS23.Space's mission is to drive innovation in space technology and make space exploration more accessible, sustainable, and impactful for humanity. NebulaData, our decentralized network of smart satellites and space based data centers, is a cornerstone of our vision to revolutionize the space economy. By providing a secure, efficient, and scalable platform for space derived data,  storage, processing, and transmission, NebulaData aims to enable a new era of space-based services, applications, and research.

What inspired you to pursue the concept of  a decentralized network of smart satellites and space-based data centres? 

The inspiration behind NebulaData stemmed from the growing demand for space-based data and computing resources, coupled with the limitations of traditional satellite networks. We recognised the need for a more flexible, resilient, and cost-effective solution that could harness the power of distributed networks and edge computing in space (Satellite as a Service (SataaS)). By decentralising space data processing and storage across a network of smart satellites, we aim to unlock new possibilities for real-time data analysis, low-latency communication, and large-scale data processing in orbit.

What partnerships or collaborations have been instrumental in the development and growth of NebulaData, and how do you envision expanding these relationships in the future?

Partnerships and collaborations have been instrumental in the development and growth of NebulaData. One key collaboration has been our agreement with Airbus and their Bartolomeo platform to utilize the International Space Station (ISS) for a dedicated mission in 2025. This ISS mission will provide invaluable space heritage and operational experience as we work towards realizing the full potential of NebulaData. 

One key collaboration has been our agreement with Airbus and their Bartolomeo platform to utilize the International Space Station (ISS) for a dedicated mission in 2025.

Additionally, we have secured Letters of Intent (LoIs) from a diverse range of prospective customers eagerly awaiting our services. These include blockchain developers, optical communication telecoms, advanced data-heavy sensor processing institutes, and more. Their early commitment underscores the immense demand for NebulaData's capabilities across multiple sectors.

Beyond these existing relationships, we continue to actively seek partnerships with academic institutions, research organizations, space agencies, and innovative industry players. Their expertise, resources and support have been invaluable in areas like technology development, testing, validation and pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

Looking ahead, we envision expanding these collaborative efforts to establish NebulaData as a true global consortium. By bringing together the brightest minds and leading entities, we can drive interdisciplinary advancements, share knowledge, pool resources and create a thriving ecosystem of space-based data and computing solutions.

Our goal is to forge long-term, mutually beneficial alliances that foster continuous innovation, cross-pollination of ideas, and the democratization of space-based capabilities. These partnerships will be crucial in tackling complex challenges, unlocking new frontiers of research and commercial opportunities, and ensuring NebulaData remains at the forefront of the rapidly evolving space economy.


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